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Why didn't Force Users Turn Off Each Other's Lightsabers (or use the force) during Battle?
Why Force Users Don't Deactivate Each Other's Lightsabers With the Force - Star Wars Explained
Why Force Users Don't Deactivate Each Other's Lightsabers In a Duel
Why didn't Jedi/Sith TURN OFF THEIR LIGHTSABERS to avoid an opponent's blade? | Star Wars Lore
Why Jedi Don't Use the Force to Lightsaber Battle - Star Wars Explained
Why Do Lightsabers Turn Off When Dropped? Star Wars Explained
Why Can't Sith Force Choke Jedi In Battle? Star Wars Explained
Why Don't Jedi Just Turn Off Their Enemy's Lightsaber With The Force?
Top 6 Lightsaber Users Who Don't Have the Force
Were There Any Jedi Who Didn’t Use A Lightsaber? #shorts
How Lightsabers Work - Star Wars Explained
Why Jedi Don't Just Use the Force on Grievous – Star Wars Explained